tentu saja segenap pengurus DKKB periode 2010-2015 didukung seniman-seniman Blitar serta pemerintah kabupaten Blitar.
Melihat progress dari event
tersebut dari purnama ke purnama nampak sekali peningkatan kualitas seni maupun
animo masyarakat Blitar. Dari sisi pertunjukkan yang tetap menonjolkan cirikhas
ke-seruling-annya, panitia penyelenggara telah membuktikan kemampuannya meramu
sederet agenda yang tidak saja berhasil menggandeng seniman nasional tapi juga
sukses mengajak seniman internasional untuk ikut menggelegarkan Purnama
Seruling Penataran sebagaimana visi dan misi event tersebut seperti yang
disampaikan Wima Brahmantya selaku ketua DKKB bahwa Purnama Seruling Penataran
merupakan titik kebangkitan Nusantara dengan mempersembahkan kearifan seni
budaya sebagai wujud syukur sekaligus harapan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
Dari sisi animo masyarakat,
sudah nampak jelas bahwa event tersebut mulai mendapatkan tempat dihati
masyarakat Blitar. Tak hayal lagi banyak masyarakat yang hadir dan terus
bertambah banyak dari purnama ke purnama. Belum lagi para undangan dari
komunitas seniman luar daerah (nasional) ditambah pihak pemerintah yang
kelihatannya sangat mendukung dengan selalu hadir mengiringi prosesi Purnama
Seruling Penataran sampai usai.
Secara umum kinerja DKKB sudah
tidak dapat diragukan lagi dalam mengemban amanah, namun demikian bila melihat
gelagat event PSP yang terus kian besar, mungkin yang harus mulai diperhatikan
adalah keamanan dan pelestarian candi penataran itu sendiri dan lokasi
sekitarnya. Mengingat event PSP digelar dalam area candi tentunya akan membawa
konsekuensi tersendiri bila masyarakat terus berduyun-duyun membanjiri lokasi
candi guna menyaksikan PSP yang kian menggelegar di bumi bung Karno itu.
Tentunya semua tidak mengharap
gelegar PSP yang semakin menggema ternyata sedikit banyak merusak Candi
Penataran. Bila hanya mengandalkan kesadaran masyarakat (pengunjung) untuk ikut
menjaga keamanan Candi kiranya belum cukup, maksudnya pihak DKKB dalam
mempersembahkan PSP harus mulai mencari solusi secara teknis agar
kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang dapat merusak candi tidak sampai terjadi.

Based on ‘Prasasti Kinewu’ (Kinewu
Inscription), it had proved that Blitar area is an area that had governed by
King Watukuro Dya Balitung who governed in about 897-910 Mash. Equally, Blitar
area becomes the Eastside of the Empire that had focused in Central Java. In
this Blitar area is placed an officer representing the king. In publics that
had non-money system of economy, the king cannot give salary to his officers
except land area. The ancient Java Law load a rule that the king often gave a
piece of land to the meritorious officer. The rule must been confirmed with a
stipulating of charter or inscription. Land area is the property of king, which
can be gave to his subordinate. According to law book titled Kutarananawa
section 93 had mentioned ‘Sang Ratu Wiwesa Mawa Bumi Desa’, then in section 100
it is determined that: ‘Apan drwe sang prabhu lemah ika’. Explain that the
important property of the King is land area. Then we can see the existence of
bent area institutes, lungguh, gaduan, tanah gumantung, tanah patuh, etc.
Majapahit as the new state had centered near to Majakerta. In King Wijaya led
below, as the first King, Majapahit kingdom grew greatly. Piquancy in the
history relation of Blitar area from that period is the existence of omission
of holy building, which located in Kotes village Gandusari district. There is
number 1222 Saka and 1223 Saka in that building.
Thereby the building comes from
1300 and 1301 Mash (Knebel, 1908: thing. 355). The building is contemporary
with the government of first Majapahit King. It proved that Blitar area in the
early of XIV century still showing the important region. What is the relation
of establishment of holy building with the history of this area? A guide that
can give the description concerning that history, there is some inscription
from XII century Mash in area along the length of hillside dale Kawi in
Westside. This indicates that this area admit to proved until now with the
existence of some plantations. This profiting natural factor influenced the
existence of prosperous public life. That prosperity pushed the growth of big
resident in a short time. Although there are no notes about resident amounts in
Blitar area in this East side, but it estimated that with the existence of
men-power, hence this area becomes an important one. The available of big labor
is one of conscription guarantee of soldier to a purpose of defense and attack.
As Tuhanyaru inscription that mention the existence of land award to a number
of functionaries kingdom because they had deserved well to King, hence
inscription Blitar also load similar statement.
It knowable that the relation of
King Jayanegara and Blitar area was had a special character. That special
relationship that showed at stipulating a number of ha that given to the
functionaries, in respect to the faithfulness of Blitar village to the King. In
this relationship event of what happened so that the King had the pleasure to
give an award to Blitar village resident.
King Jayanegara is the second
Majapahit King; replace his father, Kerjarajasa Jayawardhana who had died in
1309 M. In his government, there are two sources that giving different
description. Both the sources are Negarakertagama that written by Prapanca and
Pararaton, which are not mentioned the written name. Negarakertagama tell about
a period of the government in 1309-1328 Mash. It is in ‘Pupuh’ XLVII Prapanca
had described, which translation in Indonesian is: He left Jayanegara as King
Wilwatikta and his sister Rajapadhi Utama. The two very beautiful females, as
twin Ratih give in the eldest angel Rani in Jiwana, while the youngest Jadirani
in Daha. In Saka year: To force honeymoon aspect, Lord Jayanegara leave to
avoid the enemy to Lumajang. He said that Pajarakan destroyed, Nambi and the
family destroyed, and the whole of public felt scare to saw His Majesty officer
ship. Year Saka: circle bow the sun, he return, soon buried in gate, having
symbol Wisnuparama statue. In Between Check and located Bubat is area
Wisnuparama. Between Check and ‘Bubat’ straightened Wisnu area symbolize ‘Tara
Inda’. In Sukalila picturesque of Buda as Amoga sidi transform.
From ‘Pupuh’ above, hence knowable
that during the Jayanegara government, he could broke the rebellion of Nambi in
1361M. Further, Pararaton reported the rebellion that led by Ranggalawe, Sora
and Nambi. All the rebellions earn in extinguished by the Lord. There was again
a rebellion in 1316 and 1317 under Kuti and Seni leader. The rebellion made
King Jayanegara run to Bedander village accompanied by Bhayangkara team under
Gajah Mada led. Because the Gajah Mada tactics, Jayanegara had successfully
return to the coronation. Kuti and Seni had successfully destroyed (Pararaton:
80-83). That news gave us a guide that during the Jayanegara government, there was
a rebellion, but it successfully extinguished. That reality, gives a proven
that Jayanegara avoid a difficult condition in his first led. This reality can
give a reason, of Jayanagara was release his inscription. It cannot be
questionable again; that the stipulating of this inscription in Blitar is the
important event of Jayanegara wrote that inscription. It also was an important
point of the declared of Blitar in Majapahit government. Moreover, that
important event, based on the element of calendar in the inscription, had
happened at Sunday ‘Pahing’ month of Srawana 1246 Saka, on 5 Augusts 1324M. For
next period, Blitar mentioned in Negarakertagama book its relationship with the
King Hayam Wuruk touring to East Java areas. Some years that was making the matter
of news along the length of concerning Blitar and other places in vicinity area
written in ‘Pupuh-pupuh’.
adapted from: http://www.eastjava.com/tourism/blitar/penataran/english/pendahuluan.html
adapte from: http://blitarian.com/