
Showing posts with label seruling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seruling. Show all posts

Purnama Seruling Penataran

Jalan-jalan wisata ke kabupaten Blitar kian menarik. banyak tempat wisata dibenahi, termasuk Penataran, sekarang banyak yang berbeda dari situs ini. Pemkab Blitar semakin jeli melihat peluang dan mulai serius untuk mengelola candi terbesar di jawa timur ini. adapun keseriusan itu adalah dimunculkan agenda bulanan. Event yang digelar tiap bulan purnama di pelataran Candi Penataran Blitar tersebut sudah kesekian kalinya berhasil disuguhkan oleh Dewan Kesenian Kabupaten Blitar. Pagelaran seni yang diberinama Purnama Seruling Penataran (PSP) dimulai sejak Purnama bulan Oktober 2010 yang dibidani oleh Ray Shaetapy (jakarta) dan

history of kelud mountain

Kelud is a volcano mountain located in East Java on Java in Indonesia. Like many Indonesian volcanoes and others on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Kelud is known for large explosive eruptions throughout its history. More than 30 eruptions have occurred since 1000 A.D. this mountain has erupted many times. On May 19, 1919, an eruption at Kelud killed an estimated 5,000 people, mostly through hot mudflows (also known as "lahar"). More recent eruptions in 1951, 1966, and 1990 have altogether killed another 250 people.

Kelud (Klut, Cloot, Kloet, Kloete, Keloed or Kelut) is a volcano located in East Java on Java in Indonesia. Like many Indonesian volcanoes and others on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Kelud is known for large explosive eruptions throughout its history. More than 30 eruptions have occurred since 1000 AD.

On May 19, 1919, an eruption at Kelud killed an estimated 5,000 people, mostly through hot mudflows (also known as "lahars"). More recent eruptions in 1951, 1966, and