
Showing posts with label white sand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white sand. Show all posts

Laguna tersembunyi pantai serit

Laguna tersembunyi pantai serit

laguna pantai serit,

Oke bro… kali ini saya akan cerita tentang satah satu  wisata wisata pantai di gugusan  wisata wisata pantai utama  wisata wisata pantai serang. Yaitu  wisata wisata pantai serit. Kenapa  wisata wisata pantai ini di sebut dengan  wisata wisata pantai serit? Yup jika anda belum tau. Berarti sama dengan saya. Saya juga belum tahu kenapa namanya  wisata wisata pantai serit… kenapa saya belum tahu? Karena ketika saya bertemu dengan warga yang ada di serang, mereka menjawab juga belum tahu kenapa  wisata wisata pantai tersebut disebut dengan  wisata wisata pantai serit. Jadi sementara, untuk urusan asal-usul  nama  wisata wisata pantai serit kita abaikan dulu. Ya… karena memang belum ada sumber yang cukup untuk menjelaskan terkait tempat ini.

Oke, sekarang kita menuju untuk bagaimana cara menuju  wisata wisata pantai serit?

Hidden beach serit lagoon

Hidden beach serit lagoon

A lagoon is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs. Lagoons are commonly divided into coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. They have also been identified as occurring on mixed-sand and gravel coastlinesOkay bro ... this time I will tell you about one beach tourism tour in the main beach tourism group in Serang beach tourism. That is serit beach tourism. Why is this beach tourism tour called serit beach tourism? Yup if you don't know. Means the same as me. I also don't know why it's called Serit beach tourism ... why don't I know? Because when I met with residents who were attacked, they replied that they also did not know why the beach tourism tour was called Serit beach tourism. So temporarily, for the business of the origin of the name Serit beach tourism we ignore it first. Yes ... because there really isn't enough resources to explain this place.

Beautiful beach called Serang beach

Sorry bro ... I've been really long and I haven't written my traveling activities ... now I'm going to try to tell you about the location I just visited at the southern tip of Blitar Regency, which is beach attack tourism.
the name of the beach why is it strange ... attack ... what's attacking, just want to fight ... rich

Sanur Bali - Nusa Penida

apakeh features a stretch of reefs, and within the southern a part of the bay there's an analogousspace of rugged bommies, made with color and fish. huge faculties of fish, ocean turtles, and sometimes headfish headfish (sunfish) ar highlight of Toyapakeh diving. Toyapakeh is special for its pillars of coral.
Malibu purpose could be a diving website with grey reefs, reef white tips, silver-tips and diversesharks. whereas Penida Bay is another anchorage, and therefore the rocky islands have a stimulating forms; one thing like associate previous resting elephant. The bay is liable to swell, creating-up-and-down-currents. Then, Manta purpose could be a sedimentary rock rock off Pandan restaurant. The swell is comparatively sturdy.

Take a walk hawaii - protected area and climate

Take a walk hawaii - protected area and climate

Take a walk hawaii - protected area and climateEndemic Haleakalā Argyroxiphium sandwicense close to Haleakalā summit. Several aras in Hawaii are underneath the protection of the parkland Service. Hawaii has 2 national parks: Haleakala parkland close to Kula, on Maui, includes Haleakalā, the dormant volcano that shaped east Maui; and Hawaii Volcanoes parkland within the southeast region of the

take a walk hawaii - etymology & Topografi


Akaka Falls
The Hawaiian language word Hawaiʻi derives from Proto-Polynesian *Sawaiki, with the reconstructed that means "homeland"; Hawaiʻi cognates ar found in alternative Polynesian languages, together with Māori (Hawaiki), Rarotongan (ʻAvaiki), and

take a walk hawaii - Do yo know Hawaii?

Take a walk hawaii.

Do know Hawaii? Hawaiian: Hawaiʻi Hawaiian pronunciation:  is the most recent of the 50 U.S. states (joined the Union on August 21, 1959), & is the only U.S. state made up entirely of isl&s. It is the northernmost isl & group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean.

Hawaii’s diverse natural scenery, warm tropical climate, abundance of public beaches, oceanic surroundings, & active volcanoes make it a popular destination for tourists, (wind) surfers, biologists, & volcanologists alike. Due to its mid-Pacific location, Hawaii has many North American & Asian influences along with its own vibrant native culture. Hawaii has over a million permanent residents along with many visitors & U.S. military personnel. Its capital is

Playing On The White Sand

Hellow indonesian tourism core lovers....... today , information about tourism place are on east java. The name is pantai pasir putih (white sand beach) on Trenggalek city.
Trenggalek is situated on the South-West of Surabaya, the Capital city of East Java Province, and bordered by Tulungagung in the East, Indonesian Ocean in the South, Pacitan and Ponorogo in the West, Ponorogo and Tulungagung Regencies in the North.
Trenggalek covers 126.140 Ha, a part of it, is mountainous and the rest is lowland. And tourism places which is very